Community Acupuncture describes a type of acupuncture clinic where patients are treated in a large, shared treatment space. By treating more people at a time we are able to keep the costs low. Your consultation and health background intake is done in a private setting, so no one besides your practitioner will know what you are seeking treatment for.
If you have ever compared doing yoga or meditation alone to being in a group setting, you may get the idea of how powerful community acupuncture can be. We also believe that true health and healing come from within, and in the community acupuncture setting, you are in charge of your healing. When you first enter the treatment room you will find pillows and blankets, grab what you need to make yourself comfortable. If there is anything else that you need to be relaxed- bring it with you.
Our hope is that Harbour Community Acupuncture can be a place in the community where people find comfort and come to feel a sense of ownership. A place where you can be yourself and find that place of peace and healing within.
*We also carry a variety of supplements, essential oils, and herbs.